L Section is a 114-page script written by Matthew Forbes that narrates the journey of a sergeant who visits the five soldiers of her former section after their homecoming.
The script starts with sergeant Vivian Kolt, called The Sarge, and her five elite soldiers — who together form the L section — taking a break from climbing a mountain in Afghanistan and sharing their meal packs. The reader can already appreciate two things here: not often is the main character in a war movie a woman, and very rarely do war films open with light scenes of soldiers poking fun at each other.
Through this initial scene we understand that this film won’t be about the war, but rather, about the close relationships between the six characters.
Following a brutal fight scene, where an ambush leaves one soldier, Dud, injured to both his legs, the 6 soldiers are now able to fly back to their respective homes, scattered all around Canada.
Now home and safe, The Sarge is tormented by nightmares and, incited by her sister, she embarks on a road trip to go check on her section. The Sarge's road trip is punctuated with five stops, one for each of her soldiers. Soon enough, the script will reveal that The Sarge’s concerns were, in fact, founded.